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Client Feedback


I have done Pilates before, but I like the alternating mat and reformer work as both are beneficial in different ways. I like the smaller classes because we get more individual attention to correct our technique. I can ask if I don’t fully understand.

Thoroughly recommend doing the early bird zoom class with Hayley. It is a great way to start the day as at the end of the session you feel set up for the day and ready for anything! Today as we were coming to the end of the session at 7.45am I could see it getting lighter outside and I could hear the birds in the back garden.

It’s a lovely way to wake up in the morning and is a very relaxed, chilled class.  Hayley, thanks for these lovely and enjoyable early bird zoom sessions they are very helpful and are just what I need.

I have been attending Bev’s Pilates’ classes for the past 3 years and have been pleased with the improvement to my posture. My body awareness had improved, and I also experienced less low back pain. However, I felt that I had reached a plateau and did not seem to be

making further progress. I decided to book a One-to-One Session with Bev to enable me to review my progress and to tailor exercises specifically for my needs. I found the individual session very helpful. Bev was informative and encouraging and gave me just the boost I

needed to make the necessary adjustments to my exercises to move me on. I was even given a homework sheet with an illustrated set of exercises to practise at home.

It is very helpful to be reminded of some of the basic exercises especially when you can immediately feel the benefit. I think these extra sessions are fabulous for allowing us to concentrate on a specific area of the body which can sometimes be forgotten when you are working through a regular session

Really enjoyed the detail and learning the exact techniques to correct the posture issues.

I was not fully aware of the posture issues that I have until they were pointed out to me.

I really appreciated the time you took to work out the best positions/stretches for my hip. I had been in a lot of pain before this session and have not had any twinges since.

I was able to ask questions on certain aspects of the exercise and do the said exercise with guidance by you.

I joined your class 3 years ago to help with lower back pain and sciatica. Having previously been medically diagnosed with lower back issues that required surgery I underwent a Spinal Discectomy whilst being advised that a Spinal Fusion may also be required in the future. To date, 5 years later, this has not been necessary, and I am sure that the continued postural, spinal, and strengthening exercises together with your teaching and guidance have helped me enormously.

You can spot issues quickly and identify exercises that will help; this is a rare skill and one which is very beneficial to people. The exercises you identified for me genuinely help and are easy to fit into my daily routine. Having seen the benefits of Pilates I would not give it up. I look forward to my class every week, and hate having to miss any.

Coming from a cycling background, I started to experience pain in my back and shoulders. At first I tried to ignore this but, the problem persisted and gradually got worse, to the point where I was no longer enjoying riding my bike. With limited knowledge of Pilates, I went to see Bev in the hope of relieving the discomfort I was experiencing. I found Bev to be thorough in her approach working back to an accident I had eight years ago to be the source of the problem. From this point Bev worked with me on a one-to-one basis to implement a suitable Pilates’ programme to improve my posture, build up my strength and alleviate the discomfort I was experiencing. I was able to compliment my one-to-one sessions with the number of Pilates classes that Bev also has on offer.

I think these extra sessions are fabulous for allowing us to concentrate on a specific area of the body which can sometimes be forgotten when you are working through a regular session. Monday mornings are not the best times to offer sessions as people are often just waking up to the world, but you (Hayley) made our workout this morning very enjoyable, and it has been an excellent way for me to start my week.

I just thought I would email in to say what a brilliant session Hayley led this morning. She had a real range of people there and was able to cater for everybody’s level of expertise. I was surprised by just how ‘clanky’ my shoulders were, but your workout gave them a real opportunity to get moving

I feel that my successful improvement is mainly due to the guidance and expert teaching of Bev who adapts the exercises accordingly for those with various injuries and limitations. She has also experienced injury herself and is able to empathise with her clients. I cannot admit to carrying out my ‘homework’ exercises as often as I should, but Bev encourages us to think more about our posture as we go about our daily routine.

I was impressed by the time taken initially to study my posture and the exercise booklet has addressed my issues, and I feel an improvement already in my shoulders and foot.

Bev’s approach to Pilates is excellent as she gave me the knowledge and support materials to go away and perform the exercises myself. As a result, the improvements really started to show. I now have a better understanding of my body and understand why pain and discomfort occur. I have made small changes to my everyday life, eg how I sit at my desk, but they had a huge positive impact on the discomfort I was experiencing. Now that I am aware of Pilates and Bev’s approach to teaching, I would strongly recommend anybody who was not aware or had any reservations to give Pilates a go.